Page 33 - Bảo Hiểm Xã Hội
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Actively and proactively into
the international integration
To identify 2024 as a year of acceleration direction of the Government and the Prime
and breakthrough that is important Minister in developing, deploying and
meaning to complete the development organizing the implementation of SI and
goals of social insurance (SI) and health HI policies. At the same time, VSS also
insurance (HI) according to the roadmap to maximizes cooperation and support from
2025, Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) always international partners to enhance the
actively, closely follow the Resolutions of quality and fectiveness of policy
the Party, the National Assembly, the implementation.
In 2024, VSS continued to implement the
Regulations on uniied management of the
VSS's foreign relation activities and issue
the VSS’s 2024 Foreign Relation Action
Plan. This is also the basis to implement
foreign afairs work in a synchronized,
efective, innovative, and adaptive manner,
maximizing the potential, opportunities,
and favorable conditions ofered by
international cooperation and integration
to advance the VSS’s development.
To implement the Agreement between
the Government of the Socialist Republic International Monetary Fund), VSS has development of VSS on 21 November
of Viet Nam and the Government of the established bilateral and multilateral 2024.
Republic of Korea on social insurance, on cooperation relationships with many other
23 January 2024, VSS discussed and signed potential international organizations such With these positive results, in 2025, VSS
an Implementation Agreement relating to as the Korea International Cooperation will continue to strengthen foreign relation
provisions on coverage with the National Agency, the United States Agency for activities, international cooperation,
Pension Service of Korea (NPS); and issued International Development and other social information and experience exchange,
guidelines on certain provisions of the security agencies of many countries around and spread the successes of VSS in the ield
Agreement and organized its the world, with many diverse, practical and of social insurance and health insurance
implementation throughout VSS. efective cooperation activities. implementation with international
partners, improve the efectiveness of
VSS has also actively collaborated with In particular, VSS organized the information and propaganda work in
international partners, strengthened International Conference on Strengthening foreign relation in the new situation,
international cooperation and the Viet Nam Social Security International successfully implement the Regulations on
international integration activities to share Cooperation for Capacity Enhancement in uniied management of the VSS's foreign
experiences, strengthen management Implementation of social insurance, health relation activities and issue the VSS’s 2025
capacity in the ield of social insurance, insurance policies in the new period of Foreign Relation Action Plan and the
improve service quality... according to the development" to share the achievements following years of VSS, contributing to
International Integration Strategy of VSS to in the development and international building a modern, professional,
2020, vision to 2030, approved by the integration of VSS in the past 30 years, sustainable and efective social insurance
Prime Minister. In addition to maintaining the development orientation of VSS and to system, meeting the satisfaction of people
relations with traditional partners (such as recognize, commend and honor the great and businesses.q
the World Bank, International Labor contributions, valuable, practical and
Organization, World Health Organization, efective support and assistance of In coordination with International
International Social Security Association, traditional international partners who Cooperation Department,
ASEAN Social Security Association, and have made many contributions to the Vietnam Social Security
THÁNG 1/2025 D