Page 31 - Bảo Hiểm Xã Hội
P. 31


                       Comprehensive Digital

                          Transformation Effort

          In recent years, the Vietnam      international conferences on digital  (Eoice), which ensures 100%
          Social Security (VSS) sector      transformation in SI and HI. Moreover,  of inter-unit document exchanges are
                                                                              digital and digitally signed. Additionally,
                                            regular media collaboration and
          has vigorously and                dissemination through press channels  100% of dossiers are created, stored, and
          comprehensively                   have highlighted the sector’s activities,  shared electronically in compliance with
          implemented digital               showcasing achievements in digital  regulations.
                                            transformation, the implementation of
          transformation solutions          Proposal 06, integrated public service  The VSS has prioritized upgrading and
          across all areas, including       groups, and the development of the  enhancing the VssID- Digital Vietnam
                                                                              Social Security  App. Nationwide, over 37
          social insurance (SI), health     VssID- Digital Vietnam Social Security  million electronic transaction accounts
          insurance (HI), and               App. These eforts have signiicantly  are now in use, providing seamless
                                            improved the understanding,
          unemployment insurance            consciousness, and responsibility of staf,  access to the app. Additionally, the
                                                                              digital health insurance card on VssID
          (UI). The sector's digital        particularly leaders within the sector,  has been used over 5.5 million times for
          transformation eforts have        regarding digital transformation.  medical procedures.
          brought practical beneits to      The Vietnam Social Security currently  Overall, the digital transformation
          citizens and businesses by        maintains a centralized data center and a  eforts, particularly those focused on
          focusing on three main            WAN network infrastructure connecting  fulilling the objectives of Proposal 06,
                                            from central to provincial and
                                                                              have brought signiicant beneits. They
          areas: raising awareness of       district levels. It has implemented 28  have improved the quality of services for
          digital transformation;           software systems to manage 100% of the  citizens and businesses involved in

          building digital infrastructure,  sector’s processes electronically. All staf  social, health, and unemployment
                                            and employees are authenticated and
                                                                              insurance. These initiatives play a key
          data, and security; and           equipped with digital signatures for  role in aligning the VSS sector with the
          improving the delivery of         operational management and        vision of a digital government, meeting
          public services in a digital      processing tasks. All internal operations,  the demands of national social security
                                            directives, and management are carried
                                                                              as well as providing a strong foundation
          environment. These eforts         out via the electronic Document   and drive for the sector to successfully
          have earned recognition           Management and Administration System  carry out future tasks.q
          from both the government
          and the public.

          One of the key goals prioritized by the
          VSS sector is to enhance awareness of
          digital transformation among all staf and
          employees. To achieve this, the
          sector has organized various initiatives,
          including sending staf to training
          programs focused on digital
          transformation awareness, holding online
          national conferences on network security
          for 2024, conducting specialized training
          on managing, utilizing, and connecting
          national insurance databases, and
          hosting numerous in-depth seminars and

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