Page 21 - Thông tin đối ngoại
P. 21
managing records of cadres, civil servants and public On digital economic development, 100% business in
employees is deployed synchronously and uniformly the province has used e-invoice. They increase apply
to 100% of state agencies. IT applications to optimize operations, production and
business processes, pilot e-contracts in transactions.
The information system for handling In the first six months of 2024, the export value of
administrative procedures is deployed synchronously,
unified, and interconnected to 100% of state agencies electronic products, computers and components of
businesses operating in IT and communications
from provincial to district and commune levels. The sector reaches 6.2 billion USD; forecast in 2024 reaches
rate of dossiers received and processed online in
the province reached 81.09% (of which: provincial 12.5 billion USD.
level reached 72.27%; district level reached 96.18%; On digital socio development, the rate of smartphone
commune level reached 72.36%). 100% of agencies and owners is estimated at 86.5%; the rate of families using
units have generated online payment documents for optic cable with high capacity is estimated at 79.4%.
fees and administrative procedure fees. Complete the There are 2.356 community digital technology groups
login connection via the Ministry of Public Security’s have established at communes, wards, and towns
Electronic identification (e-ID) authentication reaching 100%, with 7.454 members. At present, 1.3
system with the province’s administrative procedure billion citizen identification cards have been issued;
information system. 100% of District and Commune 959.022 accounts have been identification (of which
People’s Committees deploy electronic authentication 881.511 accounts have been active). Completing the
to serve people and businesses when needed. work of in put civil status database on the National
Population Database with 1.183.176 files.
The province’s press agencies have proactively
and actively deployed the digital press conversion The great changes of digital transformation have
strategy, building press agencies in the direction of participated in administrative reform, improved
professionalism, humanity, modernity, multimedia, business environment and investment climate; socio-
and multi-platform, especially on social networking economic recovery and development. According to
platforms to promote and spread information about the results of evaluating the administrative reform
Phu Tho province quickly and promptly. Provincial index (PAR INDEX) in 2023, Phu Tho reached 89.19
Electronic Information Portal; 100% of specialized points, ranked 9 out of 63 provinces, cities (up 9 steps).
agencies under the Provincial People’s Committee and
100% of district People’s Committees have electronic Keeping on promoting the lead role in digital
information portals; 162/225 People’s Committees transformation, Information and Communication
of communes, wards and towns have electronic sectors will continue propositions for the Provincial
information pages to ensure the provision of accurate Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee
and timely direction and administration information, about guidelines, policies suitable with the real
meeting the needs of people and businesses to look conditions. Focusing on doing a good job of
up and find out information. There have been 191/225 mobilizing investment resources, developing digital
communes, wards and towns using radio stations infrastructure; promote communications, spreading
applying IT - telecommunications, reaching 85%; The digital technology to the people; improve the quality
percentage of residential areas with loudspeakers and rate of handling administrative procedures
reached 99.6%; The local radio coverage rate reached through online public services. Developing,
95.7%, contributing to bringing timely information to connecting, exploiting and effectively using digital
local people. Deploy the construction of the Provincial transformation platforms, IT application systems in
Source Information System to manage all grassroots the management, direction and administration of
information activities, connecting to the Central state agencies, serving people’s lives and production
Source Information System. and business of businesses in the province./.