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QĐ-UBND dated 17 September 2021 of the Provincial agencies; Information and Report System; Intelligent
People’s Committee on approving the e-government Operations Center (IOC); Security Operation Center
development strategy towards the digital government (SOC). The specialized information, database systems
in the 2021-2025 period, with a vision to 2030; of the Health, Education and Training, Natural
decisions and plans digital transformation in the Resource and Environment, cadres, civil servants,
periods and annually of the provincial; regulations Social Insurance… are attracted and to be done by
to use the provincial information system and other agencies, which initial responds the requirement
important documentations. Thereby, it keeps the in using data of the state’s agencies. The province’s
orientation, direction and control of Party Committee data store and digital transformation portal are built
levels, Government and duty of departments, units with aim to analyze, collect data of the province
and locals in building the digital government and and sectors, served the control and direction of the
digital economic development, contributing to create province’s leaders and provided basically information
the motivation and push up to successfully achieved and data for the people and businesses.
the provincial economic - socio targets.
Pay attention to promoting the application of IT and
Focus on infrastructure development, IT digital transformation to serve the work of directing,
applications operating and serving people and businesses. Up
to now, 100% of state agencies at all levels of the
Up to now, information technology (IT) province have sent and received electronic documents
infrastructure of the state’s agencies are completed. integrated with digital signatures to completely
100% provincial agencies has an optical Local replace paper documents, with an average monthly
Area Network (LAN) with high capacity, is connected savings of over 1.05 billion VND for state budget.
to the specialized data transmission network Synchronous online video conferencing system
serving state agencies operates. The rate of cadres, from provincial to commune level, connected to the
civil servants and public employees are prepared a systems of the Government, ministries, branches
computer for their work reaching 100% at province and localities. The reporting information system
agency and 82% at district agency.
is synchronous to 100% of agencies and units from
The supported platform systems of digital provincial to district and commune levels, meeting
transformation are maintained effectively, including: the requirements of 100% implementation of the
The Local Government Service Platform (LGSP); periodic reporting regime according to regulations
Wide-Area Network (WAN) connecting the state’s of the Government and the province. Software for
Phu Tho Newspaper
focuses on promoting
technology application
and implementing
digital transformation
newspaper publishing
processes, including