Page 54 - Thông tin đối ngoại
P. 54

Speeding up the implementation

           of projects in the province

                                                                                                 BY LE TRANG

                                                              Implementing the direction of the Provincial People’s
                                                          Committee  Bui  Van  Quang  in  the  inspection  to  solve
           2024 IS IDENTIFIED AS A YEAR                   problems  and  accelerate  the  clearance  ground  of  key
           OF SPEEDING UP THE RATE OF                     projects  in  Phu  Ninh  district  on  May  2024,  the  district
           PROJECTS. PHU THO’S LEADERS,                   has  been  directed  specialized  offices  and  communes  do
           LOCAL’S LEADERS AND UNITS                      synchronous solution to deal with troubles and ensure the
           HAVE CONTINUOUSLY CHECKED,                     clearance ground for construction units.
           GRASP REALITY AND DIRECT TO                        Chairman  of  Phu  Ninh  People’s  Committee  district
           SOLVE DIFFICULTIES SO AS TO                    Nguyen  Huu  Nhat  said:  “The  district  has  directed  the
           KEEP PROJECTS ON THE PLAN                      district  clearance  ground  council  to  increase  human
           AND QUALITY. IN ALL LOCALILTIES                resources to resolve existing problems and hand over land
           OF THE PROVINCE, PROJECTS ARE                  to  construction  contractors.  Quickly  completeping  the
           BEING URGENTLY IMPLEMENTED.                    resettlement area, hand over land to people to complete
                                                          the industrial cluster clearance ground. Coordinating with
                                                          the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to
              n Phu Ninh district, many important projects   resolve problems and attempt to complete the clearance
              are  being  carried  out  specially  projects  in   ground for the project reinforce and upgrade Au Co road in
          Ithe  industrial  parks  and  industrial  zones   the fourth quarter of 2024.”
           such as the land is not clean ground in Tu Da
           industrial  zone  as  over  9,5ha  and  in  Phu  Gia   In 2024, Doan Hung district Management Construction
           industrial zone as 9,17ha; Phu Ninh industrial   Investment Project Board performs 80 projects including
           zone  is  prepared  the  ground  for  projects.   transitional  projects  and  new  investment  projects  with
           Projects  requests  clearance  ground  and  large   nearly 300 billion VND. The district has assigned district
           area that cause the huge and complex works.    leaders to be directly in charge of each project, regularly
           The clearance ground becomes a task bringing   inspect,  supervise  and  remove  difficulties  so  that  the
           decision factor. Otherwise, project reinforce and   projects  are  implemented  as  planned.  Contractors  focus
           upgrade Au Co road - as one of key projects in   on speeding up progress to meet requirements.
           the province, which is B group with over 40km      According  to  the  vice  chairman  of  the  Doan  Hung
           of length, total investment is over 2.200 billion   district  Management  Construction  Investment  Project
           VND,  of  which  the  first  period  is  nearly  1.500   Board  Van  Tien  Nam:  Determining  the  important
           billion VND. This projects will be completed in   significant of projects for the district appearance and the
           2025. At present, the first period of this project   socio – economic development and receiving the strictly
           reached  80%,  the  second  period  reached  90%.   direction of the district leaders, construction contractors,
           The project is facing a trouble with 3km not yet   engineers and workers has worked hard in working days
           clearance ground and lack of 384.000 m3 soil   and  weekends  ensure  the  rate  of  projects.  At  present,
           for road bases and resettlement areas.         projects are speeding up so as to complete on the plan set.

           52  THÔNG TIN ĐỐI NGOẠI PHÚ THỌ  Số 15-2024
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